Answer these questions:
1) Which word class gives us the tense in a sentence?
2) Why is it important to know tenses?
Go to to enter your responses!
Activity 2
In groups, open the google doc for your group. Within 60 seconds, identify as many verbs as possible by highlighting them. Once done, gather on the floor.
Activity 3 (Individual work)
Read the notes below and access the links for worksheets to complete.
Simple Past Tense
I watched television last night.
I visited my cousin last year.
It snowed yesterday.
Past Progressive Tense
He was sleeping when I arrived.
He went to sleep at 10:00 last night. I arrived at 11:00. He was still asleep. His sleep began before and was in progress at a particular time in the past. It probably continued.(at least for a while)
Try these exercises: Past Simple vs Past Continuous Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Complete the above exercises by writing your answers in your English notebook.
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