Saturday, 22 February 2014

Get Started!

Hello Children!

Here is what you need to do:

1. Find the meaning of "distress" using Cambridge Dictionary Online.
2. Write down the meaning in your vocabulary book.
3. What are some reasons someone would be in distress? Work in your groups to think of three reasons and share it by posting it as a comment.

Remember to state your group members' names and your reply to the question.

Miss Cheryl


  1. Group members: Grace,Chris, Kyra, Alexia
    Reason 1: Someone hurt his/her feelings.
    Reason 2:He/She has been cyber bullied.
    Reason 3:He/She did not study for the examination, and is worried about his/her grades.

  2. 3)What are some reasons someone would be in distress?

    When someone is crestfallen or stress after something bad happened.

  3. Group members: Cheri , Shannon , Yu He , Axler .
    1. After somebody tripped and fell.
    2. When you have problems during exam.
    3. When someone pull your hair.

  4. Yna,Yi xuan,Oswald,Min Khant
    1) when a boat is sinking,
    2) when a building collaspes,
    3) when there is a earthquake
    4) when there is no electricity
    5) when there is no food and water

  5. 3 reasons people would be in distressed
    Number 1. Forget to bring something that is needed.
    Number 2. Never do home work.
    Number 3.Too much homework and cannot finish.

    Group members:Lizanne , Vaibhavi , Yuan Jer , Kai Jun .

    Bye Bye!!! :D

    1. k nioiuhibhjtriog789ui vg nkovg.l/ou;erj6fh+

    2. Too simple..

    3. Not Good!

    4. anyhow write!

  6. When someone gets bad grades.

  7. When forgetting to bring something needed

  8. Group Members: Shanice Tam, Rathika, Evelyn, Megan
    Reply:1)A feeling of extreme worry, sadness or pain.
    3)a.Someone passed away
    b.Failed her exam
    c.Feeling crest-fallen

  9. Group3 members: Luanne, Chinmayi, Xuan En, Kylynn
    Reply: 1) A person who has disease would be in distress.
    2)A person who is stressed at work.
    3)A person who is scared or in pain would be frightened.

  10. group members:Edison Ryan Jia Xuan Shao Yang
    Distess meaning: a feeling of extreme worry sadness or pain.

  11. group members:Thura,Fahimah,Samuel,Gerrard
    reply:Some people bully their friends so the friends were in distress.
    Some people get angry and get into distress.
    Children's parents were very sick so they were in distress

  12. Group Members: Shanice Tam, Rathika, Evelyn, Megan
    Reply: 1. Make them calm down by asking him\her to take in deep breath.

  13. Group Members: Shanice Wu, Sammi Tong, Wabiba Hossain, Ng Kai Xin
    When forgetting to bring something needed
    When someone is crestfallen or stressed after something bad happen
    When someone gets bad grades

    1. Group Members: Shanice Tam,Rathika,Megan
      Reply: A flash of lightning struk a tree. The sound of rain hit the windows. Tom and Jerry were revising their work. The end-year-examinations were round the corner. Out of a sudden, the window shattered. Being fearful, the two boys crept out of the haunted house.

  14. Group Members:Hao Yu, Jarold, Yee Jie, Kayla
    Reply:When someone fail his exams and got scolded by his parents

  15. Group members : Cheri , Shannon , Kai Xin
    1. Lend someone something when they need them.
    2. Help someone to revise for exam when they did not.
    3. Save someone from drowning.
