Saturday 22 February 2014


Discuss the following with your group members and post your reply as a comment:

1. How would you help someone who is in distress?

2. Choose five words to describe the feelings of that person in distress: Vocabulary to Describe Emotions 
(If you are unsure of the meaning of the words, remember to use the online dictionary and note the word and its meaning in your vocabulary book as part of your own learning.)

Now,  map out your story with the five elements: Plot, Theme, Characters, Setting and Conflict. You are to include descriptions of the characters and setting using the types of verbs and adjectives. Do so on the piece of paper given to you.

3. Write one paragraph describing any part of your group story. You must include the verbs and adjectives you have generated.

Have fun!


  1. I'm very worried , my parents are sick.
    so my grandparents decided to come to my house and help me take care of them while I go to the clinic to recieve the medicine.

  2. One peaceful day, I was jogging in the park with my friends. Suddenly, I felt the ground shaking. I told my friends about this but they did not belive me.The ground shook so hard that it almost shook me and my friends over.My friends and I started to panic.We raced home to inform our parents, and my parents said that there could be an earthquake.We paniced even more.I hoped that the earthquake would not distroy our city. We heard more rumbing. the earthquake was here!

  3. Group 3 :
    1) When someone drops something,I will help him or her to pick it up.
    2) abused, horrified, worried, confused, crestfallen.

  4. group members: Ryan,Jia xuan,Edison,Shao Yang
    Example:if sombody was late just because the bus brakes down,I would help him/her by standing for them

  5. It started out with

  6. Group members: Sammi, Shanice Wu,Wabiba

    Now, map out your story with the five elements: Plot, Theme, Characters, Setting and Conflict. You are to include descriptions of the characters and setting using the types of verbs and adjectives. Do so on the piece of paper given to you.

    3. Write one paragraph describing any part of your group story. You must include the verbs and adjectives you have generated.

    It started out with......
    I was strolling in the park, when a gust of wind blew my hat away. I felt unusual, the weather in Singapore was changing recently. Suddenly, I turned around and saw water from the canal swishing into the park. This was not suppose to happen! It was a tsunami, I quickly ran back to my flat and told my parents about what was happening. the water was rising and we quickly closed all the windows and doors. I hope nothing will happen and damage our neighbourhood

  7. The sun shone brilliantly in the pure, azure sky.When John reached school,it was time for lessons.When John reached the classroom, everybody started teasing him. He was very curious. After that, John realised that he failed his exam.After school, he went to the park feeling distressed.
    Group Members :Kayla,Hao Yu,Yee Jie and Jarold

  8. Group 3, Chinmayi, Kylynn, Luanne, Xuan En

    ''Hi Dilys,do you want to go out and play?"asked Jane."Ok!" 'They went to the park with some of their toys.They played very happily but very noisily.They were very inconsiderate little girls and did not care about other people in the park.

  9. Group Members:Chris,Grace,Kyra,Alexia
    Sammy was up all night studying as he had not studied for the upcoming test during the holidays. He was only able to go to bed at 2 a.m.
    The next day, during the test, I saw Sammy struggling to answer the questions. He was panting with worry. After the test, I decided to ask Sammy why he was trembling during the test. "I did not study well enough for the test. " he answered me with a shaky voice. I guessed he was in distress so, after the results came out, I taught Sammy how to answer the questions that he did not know how to do. He listened attentively. He soon learnt from his mistakes and always studied beforehand. He was always in a good mood everyday because of his good habit.

  10. Group members:Thura,Jia xuan,Gerrard,Fahimah
    Meanwhile while I was in the clinic,I called my grandparents to check if my parents are ok at home.My grandparents said that they were fine and they were sleeping in bed at home.When I was passing by the park,I saw a my classmate Tom jogging with his parents and suddenly Tom collapsed in a bench.The parents of the Tom saw him in sharp stabbing pain.The parents shouted 'HELP,our son has collapsed!' The passer-bys were as white as a sheet.

  11. It started out with a sunny afternoon, John and I were jogging in the park.We were panting. When John was jogging, I noticed he was being distess. "Are you okay?" I asked John."I am being distress because I have two girlfriends.They are crushing on me! They two kiss me before!They ask me to marry them but I do not know which to choose!!" I felt sorry for John. I said,"Which one do you like more?"
    " I love the prettier girl more!"John yelled.I felt sorry for John.It is not easy to make things right.

  12. Group members:Yi Xuan, Oswald, Min Khant and Yna
    Paragraph 2:
    Yi Xuan: The earthquake knocked down most of our city, houses and trees.We shrieked as a huge tree fell on our house.We rushed to our Uncles house, we knocked on their door but only my Cousin answered.We rushed into the house and found my Uncle as sick as a dog.He had a headache and aching muscles.My cousin was invincible and was not scared.He said,"What is the fuss about? It is just a silly earthquake." I said,"It is very dangerous. It even knocked down our house!" Just as I finished talking, a house collasped beside us. Everybody shouted, well everyone except my cousin. He was as brave as a lion.Sunddenly, he sneaked into the larder to get some food.While me and my parents were opening the door to invite my friends in, we noticed our house was collapsing! Oswald: "Quick! The house is collapsing on top of us!!!! Lets get out of here or we will be burried alive!!!" I yelled. My cousin heard our warning and rushed out of the larder with the food. Yi Xuan: We looked at our house and said," What a pity!Look at our house!" After three hours, the earthquake finally stopped. We were so happy that we danced for joy.
