Sunday 3 May 2015

Swam vs. Swum?

Hi children,

Some of you asked me the diference between "swam" and "swum". Here is a quick explanation:
"swam" is used as a simple present tense
"swum" is used as the past participle in past perfect tense

Read more here:

Thursday 16 April 2015


Activity 1
Answer these questions:
1) Which word class gives us the tense in a sentence?
2) Why is it important to know tenses?

Go to to enter your responses!

Activity 2
In groups, open the google doc for your group. Within 60 seconds, identify as many verbs as possible by highlighting them. Once done, gather on the floor.

Activity 3 (Individual work)
Read the notes below and access the links for worksheets to complete.

Simple Past Tense

I watched television last night.
I visited my cousin last year. 
It snowed yesterday.
At one particular time in the past, this happened. It began and ended in the past.

Past Progressive Tense
He was sleeping when I arrived.

He went to sleep at 10:00 last night. I arrived at 11:00. He was still asleep. His sleep began before and was in progress at a particular time in the past. It probably continued.(at least for a while)
Try these exercises:  Past Simple vs Past Continuous Worksheet 1  Worksheet 2
Complete the above exercises by writing your answers in your English notebook.

Read more here:

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Synthesis and Transformation

Dear children,

Sorry to post this up late. I set this to post automatically at 5 p.m. but I guess it was in the wrong time zone!

Here's your homework. Please attempt all questions and post your answers as a "comment". Post in this format:
1. Name
2. Answers to questions

***Punctuation and tense cost you half mark each! 

(1) The long journey was over. The travellers felt very tired.
_____________________ after _______________________

(2) Give your essay to the teacher. Check it for spelling mistakes first.

____________________before ________________________

(3) Wait outside. I will tell you when to come in.
_____________________until ________________________

(4) The man may ask for your ticket. Give it to him.
_______________________if ________________________

(5) It's Jane's birthday. She should choose what to do.
Since ____________________________________________

(6) We need to catch the train. We must leave now.
If _______________________________________________

(7) Peter checked that all windows were locked. Then, he left the house.
Before ___________________________________________

(8) Each child needs to pay five dollars for the ticket.
All ______________________________________________

(9) Most birds like to fly free. Few like living in a cage.
__________________prefer ________to _______________

(10) Paul enjoys reading but he enjoys playing computer games more.
__________________ prefer _______ to _______________

Enjoy learning!

Saturday 27 September 2014

A Burglary that was Foiled

Dear children,

Here is what you need to do:

1. Click on these links to recall stories you have read: 

Article 1:

Article 2:

Article 3:

Article 4:

Article 5:

To recall the meaning of...

2. Find the padlet for your group and share words and phrases you will want to use in your composition (title and pictures). You may use these links to help you: 

1) Similes
2) Idioms:

Blue Groups:

Red Groups:

Green Groups:

3. Log into AsknLearn. Click on "Tools" -> Google App -> Gmail
When you log into your email, you will find an email from me to invite you to open a Google Doc. Open that and start writing your group paragraph(s).

4. Comment on class blog 
Group leaders only: Once you are pleased with your group's paragraph, you copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + P) here (your class blog).

5. Read other groups' paragraphs 
Give "Two Stars and One Wish" by clicking on "Reply" of other groups' comments